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Individual therapeutic sessions with Ellynne Skove

Individual therapeutic sessions with Ellynne Skove

31/03/2020 - 01/04/2020    
Celý den

BONDING THERAPY AND BIRTH TRAUMA RESOLUTION This work is with the Mother or Father to help resolve challenging birth scenarios that may have resulted in [...]

Individuální sezení s Ellynne Skove

Individuální sezení s Ellynne Skove

31/03/2020 - 01/04/2020    

Léčení porodního traumatu a poporodní vazby (bondingu) Tato práce probíhá s matkou nebo otcem a pomáhá vyřešit témata obtížného porodu, která mohou u miminek vest [...]

Matthew Appleton: Birth from a Baby´s Perspective

Matthew Appleton: Birth from a Baby´s Perspective

31/03/2020 - 02/04/2020    
9:30 - 17:30

An Introduction to Integrative Baby Therapy    This tree days workshop is suitable for conventional and alternative health care practitioners, including doulas, midwives, health visitors, [...]

Proběhlé akce

Giorgia Milne: Embryology~ Spirit and Essence

Giorgia Milne: Embryology~ Spirit and Essence

A Touch of Presence ® School for Biodynamic Studies ,,You are most yourself at the moment of conception, all that follows is the differentiation" - [...]
Giorgia Milne: Embryologie ~ Duch a esence

Giorgia Milne: Embryologie ~ Duch a esence

Dotek přítomnosti ® Škola pro biodynamická studia Sami sebou jste nejvíce v okamžiku početí, vše, co následuje, je odlišování — Eric Blechschmidt Embryo nám toho [...]

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