We are not separate from the planet we inhabit. She is our mother, like the mother whose womb we grew in.
In this 3-hour webinar, we re-visit some qualities of the embryo and apply them to enhance health. These include fluid resonance, original potential, wholeness, layers of support, energetic torus-shaped fields organised around a midline. We will explore these themes in our own bodies, as well as how we meet them in nature, in trees, in water, and more.
The webinar will include guided meditations, PowerPoint presentation, and group question and discussion time.
Online webinar in English, translated into Czech
Compassionate Somatic Prenatal and Birth Therapist
Dr. Cherionna Mezam-Sills, PhD began teaching Embodied Embryology through somatic movement in 1997 as part of her doctoral studies in Pre- & Perinatal Psychology, which led to her teaching at Naropa University and the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute.
She has taught and facilitated Pre- and Perinatal Psychology/Therapy, Continuum (a mindful movement practice), and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy internationally, often with her husband, Biodynamics pioneer Franklyn Sills. She offers post-graduate training for practitioners to enhance their skill in recognizing and meeting prenatal and birth material arising in session work, as well as small womb surround process workshops, for which she is an approved facilitator through Castellino Trainings. Her background includes extensive study with Pre- and Perinatal Psychology pioneers William Emerson and Ray Castellino, and Continuum founder, Emilie Conrad, who authorized her to teach Continuum in 2007.
Cherionna has authored three books, The Breath of Life: An Introduction Craniosacral Biodynamics, Spirit into Form: Exploring Embryological Potential and Prenatal Psychology, and the forthcoming The Prenatal Shadow: Healing the Traumas Experienced before and at Birth . Cherionna is committed in her work & life to embodied presence.
You can learn more about Cherionna and her work at:
www.birthingyourlife.org – Cherionna’s website
www.resourcingyourlife.org – online school of Cherionna and Franklyn Sills
Payment for the course participant acknowledges and agrees that:
- The seminar does not replace medical or psychotherapeutic care . Participant undertakes to inform the organizer of any serious physical or mental difficulties or treatment they undergo.
- Participation is voluntary and can be very experiential. The participant is responsible for everything he does.
- The participant may leave at any seminar. Seminar fee is not refundable in this case .
- Law lecturer is to terminate a participant’s participation may, if it deems appropriate. In this case, the fee will be refunded seminar participant.
Seminar price:
Admission fee:
until February 21st 2025 the price for admission is 44 EUR
from February 22nd 2025 onwards the price for admission is 56 EUR
Storno conditions:
In case of cancellation of the event by the association for any reason, 100% of the amount will be refunded.
Until January 30th 2025 we refund the fee less 10% of the total fee.
From February 1st till March 5th we refund 50% of the fee.
From March 6th 2025 the fee is non-refundable. Thank you for your understanding and respect for our rules.
If you have any question plese feel free to contact us at email address: seminare@kranio.eu
Sometimes is our address required by bank:
Česká kraniosakrální asociace, z.s.
Vyšehradská 1376/43,
128 00, Praha 2