We have prepared for you a series of webinars with an English lector and experienced therapist specialized in work with pre and perinatal topics, Matthew Appleton. Each webinar will be devoted to in-depth exploration of a specific topic.
The aim of the series is to offer participants new perspectives, information and therapeutic tools related to specific areas of pre and perinatal development. The series will cover the topics of IVF, Caesarian Section, Work with the whole family system, and will provide space for questions of the participants. The lectures will include demonstrations of Matthew’s work through videos directly showing therapy sessions. The series of seminars is intended for therapists, doulas, midwives, psychologists, paramedics, and all others who encounter children or adults in their work and touch on prenatal and perinatal topics.
Since the lectures will be contiguous, it is possible only to purchase access to the entire series, not the individual webinars.
Participants will gain access to stream or download the webinar recording. The webinar will be held on ZOOM video conferencing platform. Technical requirements for using zoom can be found below.
Webinar will be in English, translated into Czech.
As the video-demonstrations of therapies are intended only to webinar participants and as they contain confidential client material, participants are not-permitted to spread or show them in any online or public form.
Webinar topics and dates:
Each webinar runs from 18:00 to 19:30 (Prague time CET)
- 13/10 – IVF.
Children conceived by IVF and their parents face many specific challenges. Knowing how to recognise the way in which IVF impacts the psyche and body of the child enables us to give appropriate support. Behaviours that arise out of this form of conception are almost always misunderstood and inappropriately responded to. In this webinar we will explore how the cellular consciousness of the ovum and sperm are expressed in spontaneous movements by babies and children and how we can help them to integrate the story that arises out this early experience.
- 27/10 Caesarian Section.
Caesarian Section. Babies carry an archetypal expectation of what birth will be like. They are already preparing in the womb, long before the actual birth begins. Obstetrical interventions, although sometimes necessary, disrupt this inherent expectation of how things will be and have live long consequences. In this webinar we will be looking specifically at the impact of caesarian sections and how we can supports babies, children and adults to find trust and inner coherence following the invasive and disrupting nature of the caesarean section.
- 24/11 Working with the whole family system.
Babies and children are embedded in family systems. If we focus only on the child, we do not deal with unresolved traumas, stresses and relational disturbances that may be cycling within he family system. Babies and small children are especially sensitive to these energies, soaking them up like sponges. When we work with the family as a system, we can begin to create a more stable and safe holding for the child. In this webinar we will look at some very practical ways in which we can support parents to support the child.
- 8/12 Completion.
Exploring these themes often brings up as many questions as it does answers. This last webinar is devoted to answering the questions that has arisen from the previous webinars. This will include any other aspects of pre and perinatal psychology that participants are curious about.
Matthew Appleton MA, RCST, UKCP (UK)
co-founded Conscious Embodiment Trainings in 2006, with his partner Jenni Meyer, to promote awareness of pre and perinatal psychology, sacred ecology and embodied process therapies. Prior to this he was also co-founder of the Institute of Craniosacral Studies and was a co-director and senior teacher with the Institute for 12 years.
Matthew is a registered Craniosacral Therapist and Core Process Psychotherapist living and working in Bristol. He trained in Pre and Perinatal Education with Karlton Terry in Switzerland and assisted Karlton in the UK for a number of years. Matthew is a member of the International Society of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine has more than 20 years experience of lecturing and facilitating workshops in the UK and Europe.
Drawing from his work with babies an children and his training experience with Karlton Terry, Matthew developed Integrative Baby Therapy, which he has been teaching to craniosacral therapists, osteopaths, psychotherapist, doulas, midwives, nurses and paediatricians in the UK, Germany and Italy.
For ten years he worked as a houseparent at A. S. Neill’s famous democratic school Summerhill and his book ‘A Free Range Childhood’ based on his experiences at Summerhill has been published in several languages.
Technical requirements for using Zoom:
Zoom is designed to work on most devices. OS Windows, MAC and most OS Linux. Supported by web browsers: Internet Exlorer 11+, Edge 12+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+, Safari 7+
You need a computer with at least a 1GHz processor, so in layman’s terms: a computer not older than 5 years can handle it with ease.
You need at least 1.5 Mbps to download. Which currently satisfies the vast majority of connections.
If you are unsure about anything, contact us at kraniosakralniasociace@gmail.com