Offer Your Partner Intimate Stillness Touch
Restore Body’s Sensuousness And Transmit Love as a Sacred Body Rite
Couples touch the errogenous zones, which evolves into a celebration of Sacred Body Rites. The principles of sacred touch are based on Stillness, Charles Ridley’s book for biodynamic cranial professionals. Click below to listen to an English interview of Charles Ridley by Patricia Taylor, Ph.D., author of Expanded Orgasm:
Class Overview
Celebrate touch with your lover to restore body to its original state of sensuousness as a Sacred Vessel of Love. In this journey into the body-erotic, you will offer your partner intimate touch while you rest inwardly in stillness. When reposing in stillness during sacred touch, you contact innate bliss, which frees the inner pulse of Eros, your personal will. When your will is free, it unites with Divine Feminine Will, the Universal Pulse of love known as Spanda that creates your body and the world.
Repose in Inner Stillness as Portal to Love
Pratayahara opens you to the love that pulses throughout your flesh as Spanda. Couples repose in stillness and sense the Divinity within as a gateway to the wisdom of the body. In pratayahara you contact innate bliss, the erotic inner body pulse of Shakti that moves you beyond the fear of intensity, intimacy, paradox, and love. Innate bliss transmutes old behavior patterns and habitual recoil strategies that take you out of the present. Examples of recoil are avoidance of intimacy, bodily shutdown, contrived doing to and getting from others, manipulation of Eros, and a defended heart.
Instead of recoil, access the pulse of love that frees consciousness from ego’s fear-based strategies of control due to past traumas.
You will realize your bodily authenticity that is in the flow with Tao, rather than living from fear, control, resistance, suspicion, avoidance, collapse, deception, and leaving the present to immerse in the emptiness of spiritual by-pass.
When you sensually abide in the inner depths, it ignites innate bliss that liberates the pulse of Eros and suffuses Pure Breath of Love into your flesh. You can then ‚be with‘ intensity, intimacy, and paradox amid the welling pulses of arousal in your body.
By uniting with your erotic sensuousness, awareness is freed from being trapped by ego’s strategies of separation, resistance, distraction, compartmentalization, anxiety, control, manipulation, deception, rejection, and the fear-based self-protective reflexes.
Sensing the erotic pulse of Spanda in your flesh amid fear that arises during intimate touch reveals hidden places in you that recoil from love. With courage of heart, you can face these aspects and ‘Know Thyself.’ If you commit to the practice of pratayahara, you relax inwardly in stillness amid intensity, intimacy, and paradox, while reposing in the disposition of ‘let it be, leave it as it is, and be with what is as it is’ – and you can realize union of body with love.
When steeped in erotic rapture, your body reconnects to its precious original state: ‘Criatura.’ Criatura is the most refined aspect of body that authentically expresses our original Edenic state of erotic radiance that emanates the Tender Mother Love that is the creator of all that is. Criatura emanates the body’s essence of Love that emerges when you inhabit your body and let erotic arousal freely express.
These practices support the celebration of Intimate Stillness Touch
~ Inner Body Stillness Meditation: Pratayahara
~ Orient inwardly and abide in your invisible midline
~ Sense the subtle currents of Prana as Inner Body Breath
~ Unite with the sensuous in your Inner Body as innate bliss
~ Inhabit the three body centers – Head, Heart, and Pelvis
~ Recognize that hypermasculine ego is terrified of Shakti’s power so it controls the feminine that expresses as ever-changing feelings, intensity, the bodily sensuous, intimacy, paradox, Eros, and Love
~ Let innate bliss be in charge amid any degree of intimacy, intensity, and paradox, allowing it tpo move your flesh during intimate touch without controlling it
~ Contact your Indestructible Innocence
~ Unite body and consciousness with love
These practices unite as one until body enjoys its sacred sense, Spiritual Touch that is in erotic contact with everything. Eros so suffuses your flesh that your body moves as the singular living substance of love that is one with all that is, the Enfleshment of Love.
Transmission of Love through Intimate Touch
Couples exchange Stillness Touch to the erotic centers as worship of the body and awaken innate bliss.
Orient within while connected to stillness and reverently touch your beloved’s sacred flesh in union with innate bliss as love’s sensuous erotic inner body flow. When left free – as it is – without ego control, Eros expresses the primordial emanation of the Tender Mother Love. Eros, or Shakti, connects you to the universal pulse of the Spanda.
You learn to touch your beloved’s erotic bodily centers as powerful portals to love in a way that leaves free the inner flow of Eros, which unfolds as the union of the body’s original essences of Life, Love, Consciousness, Innocence, Sensuous Rapture, and Radiance. Offer your beloved touch as the mystery of Sacred Body Rites and enjoy a mutual body-to-body transmission that restores body to its original state as Sacred Vessel of Love.
You let innate bliss be in charge of the intimacy of touch rather than being guided by habitual unconscious strategies of ego control based on fear of the power of Shakti.
For More Information:
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- The seminar does not replace medical or psychotherapeutic care . Participant undertakes to inform the organizer of any serious physical or mental difficulties or treatment they undergo.
- Participation is voluntary and can be very experiential. The participant is responsible for everything he does.
- The participant may leave at any seminar. Seminar fee is not refundable in this case .
- Law lecturer is to terminate a participant’s participation may, if it deems appropriate. In this case, the fee will be refunded seminar participant .
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