The Miracle of Birth – 5th Czech Craniosacral Conference 

The Miracle of Birth - 5th Czech Craniosacral Conference 

Datum konání

9:00 - 18:00


Emauss monastery
Vyšehradská 49/320, Praha 2

Typ kurzu

We warmly invite you to the 5th Craniosacral Conference, which will be dedicated to how we are born. How are we affected by what we experience in the womb, during the birth and the first months of life? We will explore how to work with and better understand babies, as well as how our earliest experiences impact our adult life. We will also consider the topic of birth in a broader context.

The conference will be enriching for craniosacral practitioners, ostepaths, physiotherapists, as well as health professionals, midwives, psychologists, psychotherapists and physicians who are interested in body-working therapies and maybe they don´t work directly with baies but they are keen on new inspiration.

Matthew Appleton (UK), Ellynne Skove (USA), Radek Neškrabal (ČR) a Katarína Zatovičová (SR)
Translation between Czech and English will be provided.
Conference follow-up two workshops:

Ellynne Skove: Movements of Life 29 – 30/3  more information here 

Matthew Appleton: Birth From the Baby’s Perspective 31/3-2/4 more information here

Speakers and presentations:

Matthew Appleton MA, RCST, UKCP (UK) 

co-founded Conscious Embodiment Trainings in 2006, with his partner Jenni Meyer, to promote awareness of pre and perinatal psychology, sacred ecology and embodied process therapies. Prior to this he was also co-founder of the Institute of Craniosacral Studies and was a co-director and senior teacher with the Institute for 12 years.

Matthew is a registered Craniosacral Therapist and Core Process Psychotherapist living and working in Bristol. He trained in Pre and Perinatal Education with Karlton Terry in Switzerland and assisted Karlton in the UK for a number of years. Matthew is a member of the International Society of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine has more than 20 years experience of lecturing and facilitating workshops in the UK and Europe.

Drawing from his work with babies an children and his training experience with Karlton Terry, Matthew developed Integrative Baby Therapy, which he has been teaching to craniosacral therapists, osteopaths, psychotherapist, doulas, midwives, nurses and paediatricians in the UK, Germany and Italy.

For ten years he worked as a houseparent at A. S. Neill’s famous democratic school Summerhill and his book ‘A Free Range Childhood’ based on his experiences at Summerhill has been published in several languages. 

Recognising Birth Trauma Behaviours in Infancy and Later Childhood

Babies reveal a lot about their experience of birth and prenatal life through their body language. It is both expressive and very specific.  Yet it is largely misunderstood and regarded as meaningless. In so far as it is recognised and empathically responded, to babies are able to heal the traumas that they carry within them. This enables them to organise their lives around their inherent capacity for self-regulation, rather than being driven by trauma based behaviours. Unresolved birth trauma shows up during infancy and later childhood in behaviours that seem difficult and inappropriate. This is especially true at times of transition.

Without understanding the roots of birth trauma based behaviour, parents, educators and therapists often respond in ways that reinforce the initial trauma, rather than support new possibilities.

The talk will be supported by film of therapeutic work with babies and children, which demonstrate how birth trauma may be identified and worked with.

Ellynne Skove MA, LCAT, DTR-BC, NCC, RPP (USA)

 is licensed somatic psychotherapist in the United States. She is the founder of Bright Start Babies and creator of the GoGo Babies® developmental movement and baby yoga program. 

Ellynne holds a Masters degree in Dance/Movement therapy and a graduate certificate in Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Health. She has practiced as therapist and educator for over 35 years.

Based in New York, she has a studio there, NEST SPACE: a Haven for Babies & Their Families.  Ellynne has been running trainings and seeing clients in the Czech Republic since 2009.

Bonding disruptions and repair in the mother/infant dyad: An Introduction to Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Assessing Patients at Risk

Bonding is the intense feeling a mother has for her baby in utero and after birth.  IT is the “glue” that creates the strong mammalian instinct to protect and care for her young.  All mammals bond to their young and the babies then form attachment to their mothers.  Bonding and attachment are crucial to survival. Trust, sense of self, ability to relate to others, work with others, and enjoy life are the key aspects of bonding and attachment that can influence thriving in life.   This thriving is both emotional and physiological.  

In pregnancy and birth there can be bonding disruptions that influence the health of the mother and baby.  Post partum mood and anxiety disorders can result, colicky and inconsolable babies, as well as children who are cold, distant, and abusive.  Later in life, we see adults who are unable to sustain healthy relationships in marriage, work, and social endeavors.

Being able to assess clients and patients can alert health professionals to bonding disruptions and enable them to refer to proper care.

In this workshop we will learn about pre and perinatal psychology and health, and focus on bonding, bonding  disruptions, and bonding  repair interventions.  We will examine conception, gestational, and birth imprints.

 Radek Neškrabal BCST (ČR)

originally a graduate technician, set out on his journey of discovery, secret of the myster of the body and its ability to return to the natural state of health as early as 1987. Gradually he was interested to discover alternative approaches to health and human life, resonating with natural laws.

In 1994, during his studies in different directions, he attended the first seminar of the French School of Craniosacral Ostheopathy, organized by the Austrian lecturer Dr. Joelle-Aimee Kubisch. At that time he also became acquainted with the Czech Psychoenergy Society and began gaining experience with bioenergy treatment.
In 1995 he first encountered craniosacral therapy (his lecturer in this area was Sabine Gerhardy Mach from Germany – a consultant at the Upledger Center, California), and since then his enthusiasm for this comprehensive approach to the human has not diminished.
In ghe following years he completed a number of training programs in craniosacral therapy. His teachers are among others A.J. Koning, Bhadrena T. Gemin, Kavi Gemin, Roger Gilchrist. Since 2002 he has been a lecturer of craniosacral ostheopathy-therapy.
Birth and Birthing in Human Life from a General Perspective
This view is focused on the birth and birthing of a person who has decided to be beneficial with the attitudes that they have learned, absorbed or otherwise accepted into their being during their life. This informes how they then approach the client, themselves and the world. And here is the question that arises when looking at yourself or others. How to take care of this birthing process? For this word is a process. It is a transition from one state to another through the process of learning, exploring and applying life experiences.

WheWhereas birth is a moment at which the decision to “be“ is made. A moment supported by the innate forces of the Breath of life. Whereas It is a state transition in which many physical, physiological, energetic and spiritual circumstances are involved. And they are triggered by another set of circumstances affirming the very Wisdom embodied in the matter, which they simultaneously keep creating as an experience of birthing.

We will also consider how one becomes a practitioner, a therapist. And also how to encourage parents to help their child on his or her path to Health.

MgA. Katarína Zatovičová (SR)
is an actress, lecturer and guide to pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood. She was born in Bratislava. Already in her childhood she played in film and television. After graduating from Academy of Performing Arts she worked in a theatre in Martin.
Her big hobby has been psychology, holistic medicine, healthy nutrition, yoga and dance since her youth. She completed education in obstetrics, prenatal and perinatal psychology, movement, relaxation, massage techniques, aromatherapy, music therapy, women’s cycle and pelvic floor method 3×3.
In Prague she implemented her project A center – conscious and active preparation for motherhood and parenthood In her courses she focuses on women and couples before conception, during pregnancy, in childbirth and after it, theoretically and practically. She advocates natural birth and healthy functioning of the whole family. She is active throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


Conscious contact of parents with the baby from the perspective of prenatal and perinatal psychology
Insight into mutual prenatal communication – 5 basic developmental needs – inspiration of PBSP therapeutic system (Pesso Boyden system psychomotor) for healthy and adequate interaction of the baby with the environment before and after birth.
Active preparation for the birth process and welcome of the baby in the context of the current state of Czech obstetrics.
„The way we treat a child when it is in the womb will become the way they will treat themselves and the world as an adult. Natural childbirth as a way to a society without violence.“
P. Fedor-Freybergh, prenatal psychologist and gynecologist

Time schedule:

9:00 – 10:00 Registration breakfast (Come earlier and have nice coffee and breakfast with your collegues!!)

10:00 – 10:10 Welcome words

10:10 – 11:20 Radek Nešrabal: Birth and Birthing in Human Life from a General Perspective

11:20 – 11:45 Coffee break

11:45 – 13:00 Ellynne Skove: Bonding disturptions

13:00 – 15:00 Lunch break

15:00 – 16:15 Mathew Appleton: Recognising Birth Trauma Behaviours in Infancy and Later Childhood

16:15 – 16:45 Coffee break

16:45 – 17:50 Katarína Zatovičová: Conscious contact of parents with the baby from the perspective of prenatal and perinatal psychology

18:00               Finish 

Storno policy:  

Till 13/2 2019 we return fee reduced by 10%.

From  14/2 do 13/3 2019 we return 50% of fee.

We don´t return fee after 14/3 2019. Thank you for understanding.



2020-04-08T18:20:26+02:0028. března 2020|

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