To know about the existence of boundaries is as essential as to feel and sense them in your own body and mind as well as on the level of the the body and mind of your client. To have the ability to experience your self as a separate human being and to acknowledge and accept your client in the same way forms the basis of mutual interaction. The absence of well working boundaries leads into a mess, where the therapist cannot do a good job as well as the client can not endeavor a developmental step. Good boundairies are reflected in a solid frame of the therapeutic session and contract, in the attitude ofthe therapist towards the client and a in the respectful but clear use of the therapeutic tool-box. Good boundairies are rather flexible than rigid but deeply rooted in the system of the therapist.
In this webinar you learn especially:
- What are the good boundaries
- How to use boundaries for the benefit of the therapeutic process
- What to do when you realize the boundaries of yourself or of your client are not working in a way which would be useful and pleasant
- Webinar will be held in English with translation into Czech language.
- Participants will gain access to stream or download the webinar recording. The webinar will be held on ZOOM video conferencing platform. Technical requirements for using zoom can be found below.
Further events with Andreas Huckele:
- 6th Craniosacral Conference – The Healing Power of Relationship
- Practical seminar – How to get cooperation into your therapeutic toolbox?
Andreas Huckele is a writer, teacher, systemic supervisor and couple therapist with the focus on the fields of sexuality, trauma, relationship, abuse and communication. He works with individuals as well as with institutions based on a more than 20 year experience in very different settings. He gives lectures at congresses and conferences, lead seminars for professionals and laypeople, work as a supervisor in institutions and is an award-winning author.
His motivation is to connect what is disconnected and to communicate what is unspeakable to make togetherness and cooperation possible to create a mind-heart and body connected field in the presence.
His practical work is completed by the methods of Somatic Experiencing, Ego-State Therapy, Nonviolent Communication, Inner Child Work, Coaching, Systemic Sex Therapy and Systemic Family Therapy.
Andreas‘ video-invitation for conference presentation and practical seminar
Technical requirements for using Zoom:
Zoom is designed to work on most devices. OS Windows, MAC and most OS Linux. Supported by web browsers: Internet Exlorer 11+, Edge 12+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+, Safari 7+
You need a computer with at least a 1GHz processor, so in layman’s terms: a computer not older than 5 years can handle it with ease.
You need at least 1.5 Mbps to download. Which currently satisfies the vast majority of connections.
If you are unsure about anything, contact us at kraniosakralniasociace@gmail.com